Input/Output operations of histograms.

/HISTOGRAM/HIO/HRIN id [ icycle iofset ]

ID C Histogram Identifier Loop
ICYCLE I Cycle number D=999
IOFSET I Offset D=0

Read histogram/Ntuple ID from the current directory on direct access file to memory. An identical histogram is created but with an ID equal to that of the original histogram plus the offset IOFSET. Identifier may be '0' or '*' (for all histograms). If ICYCLE > 1000 and ID=0 read all histograms in all subdirectories as well. If IOFSET = 99999 then the contents of histogram ID on the disk file are added to the current histogram in memory if it exists. For example to add all histograms from FILE1 and FILE2 in memory, the sequence of commands can be:

PAW > Histo/File 1 FILE1 PAW > Hrin 0 PAW > Histo/File 2 FILE2 PAW > Hrin 0 ! 99999


ID C Histogram Identifier Loop
CHOPT C Options D=' '


'' '' Write histo/Ntuple ID from memory to current directory.
'T' Writes all histograms in subdirectories as well.

Write histo/Ntuple ID from memory to current directory. Identifier may be '0' or '*' (for all histograms).


ID C Histogram Identifier Loop

Delete histogram ID in Current Directory on disk. If ID='0' or '*' delete all histograms. To delete histograms in memory use command HISTO/DELETE.


ID C Histogram Identifier
FNAME C File name

Fetch histogram ID from file FNAME. FNAME has been created by the old version of HBOOK3 (Unformatted).


ID C Histogram Identifier
FNAME C File name

Read histogram ID from file FNAME. FNAME has been created by the old version of HBOOK3 (Formatted).


ID C Histogram Identifier Loop
CHOPT C Options D=' '


'' '' Print histograms.
'S' Only statistics (Number of entries, mean, RMS, underflow, overflow) are printed.

Print histograms (line-printer format) on screen. The command OUTPUT_LP may be used to change the output file.


ID C Histogram Identifier Loop

Dump the histogram ZEBRA data structure on the terminal.


LUN I Logical unit number D=6
FNAME C File name D=' '

Change the HBOOK 'line printer' file name. If FNAME=' ' then OUTPUT is appended to an already opened file on unit LUN. If LUN is negative, the file is closed and subsequent output is directed to unit 6.


GNAME C Global section name D=' '

Map the global section GNAME. The current directory is changed to //GNAME. This command doesn't work on HPUX.


ID C Histogram Identifier

Reset histogram ID in the global section.