Set histogram attributes.


ID C Histogram Identifier Loop
VMAX R Maximum value

Set the maximum value on the Y axis. To select again an automatic scale, just set VMAX equal to the minimum. Example:

PAW > MIN id 0 PAW > MAX id 0

Reset the default scaling.


ID C Histogram Identifier Loop
VMIN R Minimum value

Set the minimum value on the Y axis. To select again an automatic scale, just set VMIN equal to the maximum. Example:

PAW > MIN id 0 PAW > MAX id 0

Reset the default scaling.


ID C Histogram Identifier
XNORM R Normalisation factor D=1

Set the contents/errors normalisation factor. Only valid for histograms (1-Dim). (does not change contents, only presentation).


ID C Histogram Identifier
XSCALE R Scale factor D=0

Set the scale factor for histograms (2-Dim).


ID C Histogram Identifier
OPTION C Options


'SETD*' Set all options to the default values
'SHOW' Print all the options currently set
'BLAC' 1 Dim histogram printed with X characters
'CONT*' 1 Dim histogram is printed with the contour option
'STAR' 1 Dim histogram is printed with a * at the Y value
'SCAT*' Print a 2 Dim histogram as a scatter-plot
'TABL' Print a 2 Dim histogram as a table
'PROE*' Plot errors as the error on mean of bin in Y for profile histograms
'PROS' Plot errors as the Spread of each bin in Y for profile histograms
'STAT' Mean value and RMS computed at filling time
'NSTA*' Mean value and RMS computed from bin contents only
'ERRO' Errors bars printed as SQRT(contents)
'NERR*' Do not print print error bars
'INTE' Print the values of integrated contents bin by bin
'NINT*' Do not print integrated contents
'LOGY' 1 Dim histogram is printed in Log scale in Y
'LINY*' 1 Dim histogram is printed in linear scale in Y
'PCHA*' Print channel numbers
'NPCH' Do not print channel numbers
'PCON*' Print bin contents
'NPCO' Do not print bin contents
'PLOW*' Print values of low edge of the bins
'NPLO' Do not print the low edge
'PERR' Print the values of the errors for each bin
'NPER*' Do not print the values of the errors
'PFUN' Print the values of the associated function bin by bin
'NPFU*' Do not print the values of the associated function
'PHIS*' Print the histogram profile
'NPHI' Do not print the histogram profile
'PSTA*' Print the values of statistics (entries,mean,RMS,etc.)
'NPST' Do not print values of statistics
'ROTA' Print histogram rotated by 90 degrees
'NROT*' Print histogram vertically
'1EVL' Force an integer value for the steps in the Y axis
'AEVL*' Steps for the Y axis are automatically computed
'2PAG' Histogram is printed over two pages
'1PAG*' Histogram is printed in one single page
'AUTO*' Automatic scaling

Set options for histogram ID. (* means default).