Operations on global variables.

/MACRO/GLOBAL/CREATE name [ value text ]

NAME C Variable name Loop
VALUE C Initial value D=' '
TEXT C Comment text D=' '

Create a global variable.

If used inside a macro the variable [name] is declared as global.


NAME C Variable name Loop

Import global variables.

If used inside a macro the variables listed are declared as global. The name may contain '*' as a wildcard matching any sequence of characters.


NAME C Variable name Loop

Delete global variables.

The global variables listed are deleted. The name may contain '*' as a wildcard matching any sequence of characters.

/MACRO/GLOBAL/LIST [ name file ]

NAME C Variable name D='*'
FILE C Output file D=' '

List global variables.

If a file name is specified the output is the list of GLOBAL/CREATE commands to define the selected global variables. The default file extension is .kumac.