
Download PAW for windows machines

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PAW tutorial

To see how paw works, download each file in turn, all in the same area as the executable and the driver. Then start the paw executable, hit return, and then type sample.kumac at the prompt and hit return. (If you have problems, try typing sample.kumac.txt. Windows will sometimes "help" you by adding file extensions that are eroneous...) You will see an example of how paw can plot a function, make a histogram of data, fit the data, simulate the data, make fancy histograms and so forth.

Sample Kumac file

Sample data to histogram

A fit to the sample data

1st homework done in PAW

Uncertainty Relation done in PAW

Function for Uncertainty Relation be sure to rename this to urout.for if the download changes it.

Multi-Demensional data in Paw

Data for Multi-Demensional Paw

When you are done. you can look at the file last.kumac. It has all the commands you just typed and you can save this (rename it!) and reuse it just like the .kumac files above.

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