JSWHEP Cyber-Infrastructure Development |
Particle physics experiments present significant technical challenges,
which require us to collaborate with
in other disciplines to
develop new cutting-edge technologies.
We are contributing to a variety of forefront cyber-infrastructure
research and developement projects.
Peta-Scale Computing |
The next generation of experiments in elementary particle physics will require peta-scale cyber-infrastructure: they will generate petabytes of data a year and require petaflops of computing to analyze this data.
This group is co-leading the development and operation of the Vanderbilt
shared high performance computing facility
Grid Computing |
The (peta-scale) computing and data storage
resources and the physicists of elementary particle physics experiments
will be geographically dispersed (internationally).
To maximize the quality and rate of scientific discovery by these physicists, all must have equal ability to access and analyze the experiment's data.
We are collaborating on the
Open Science Grid (OSG),
International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
(iVDGL), and
Skim Grid Portal
The notion of a globally integrated computation and information
resource has
been termed the computational data grid, or grid for short. The
grid will connect the world's computers, databases, instruments,
and people in a seamless web, supporting computation-rich
applications such as wide-area high performance computing,
real-time widely distributed instruments, and data mining.
High performance, heterogeneous, fault-tolerant, and
fault-adaptive... |
This research group is playing a leadership role on the
project, a team
of high energy physicists
and computer scientists
from four universities and Fermilab
investigating real-time embedded systems
that are high performance, heterogeneous, fault-tolerant, and
fault-adaptive. One of the
applications that is driving this
research and providing a test platform for it is the trigger and
data acquisition system for the elementary particle
physics experiment